who is indy blue?
Apparently that is a question people actually google. And Google will give it to you pretty straight,
“India Blue Severe, known on social media as Indy Blue, is an American social media influencer best known for her Instagram presence and her clothing brand Lonely Ghost.”
I didn’t think anything else needed to be said, but other common searches include, “how tall is indy blue?” “who is indy blue’s baby daddy?” “Indy blue weight loss” “how does indy blue afford to travel?” “does indy blue drink alcohol?” the list, truly goes on.
I guess people are pretty curious about me.
But honestly, most people just want to know the name of my nose job surgeon.
I could sit here and act clueless with the rest of the world googling, “who is indy blue and why is she famous?”
But the truth is, I’ve been building my internet legacy since the sixth grade.
I know exactly who she is.
At the tender age of 11, I laid the first brick of my empire with, “Miss Indypendent’ ~ a lifestyle blog ~ (a branding genius since 2008)
I cannot remember what eleven year old me was writing about back then, and I surely can’t remember anyone who read it.
But I wrote, because even at that age, writing felt…right.
I continued to write throughout the years whenever I would feel that call, and more people started listening. I knew I wasn’t the most profound or eloquent writer. But I had enough people tell me that I described their feelings in a way they didn’t even know was possible, to know that I was doing something right.
The problem was, I wanted a lot out of life. I wanted to do a lot of cool shit.
And if my google searches have anything to show for it, I think I accomplished that goal.
But writing about it at the time…felt like time wasted, in a way. Time could have been spent doing… more cool shit.
The problem with waiting to tell my own story, however, is other people have decided to do the honors for me.
And in the kindest terms…it’s just a whole lot of fan fiction. Riveting fan fiction, no doubt. But it’s just that…fiction. It’s not real.
You think you can get a pretty good idea of someone when you watch them grow up on instagram, Truman show style for 5 years. But no matter how closely you monitor someone’s social media activity, no matter how reliable the “source” who told you that so-and-so is “going off the deep end” is, or whatever information you’re using to piece together your analysis of an online stranger - you’re not gonna get it right.
We’re complex humans, whose essence cannot be captured through screens, google searches, or even “friend of a friend” encounters.
But something beautiful about this online world we live in, is that ability to connect with complete strangers. That relief and comfort of feeling “Wait, so I’m not the only one?” Is blissful and frequent when people use this online space to be vulnerable with their experiences.
A lot of us have connected through my dramatic ramblings over the years, and for that, it feels safe for me to be reeeeealllllly vulnerable on here. Even if it will get used against me on reddit someday.
13 years later, and I find myself sitting at the computer, feeling that call my tiny baby eleven year old self felt…to just write! And be me. Coming back to the blog feels like home.
And after traveling the world, starting a successful clothing brand, falling back, having a baby doing the mother thing, you know all that - I think I’m ready to come home…for a while.
I think I’m ready to show you who Indy Blue really is.
(BTW my nose job surgeon was Randall Swenson at ENT Specialists)